Bulding a Create table script for all tables in a schema
Hi,Here is a small procedure I put together to extract some tables out of a BD, I didn't have OS access to run export and import utility, it might be helpful for some of you...
procedure create_t_script (p_owner in varchar2)
cursor c_tables is select table_name, owner from all_tables where owner=p_owner;
cursor c_cols (l_table in VARCHAR2, l_owner in VARCHAR2) is
select * from all_tab_columns where owner=l_owner and table_name=l_table;
v_temp number;
for lv_table in c_tables loop
dbms_output.put_line('CREATE TABLE '||lv_table.table_name||' ');
v_temp :=0;
for lv_cols in c_cols (lv_table.table_name, lv_table.owner) loop
if v_temp = 0 then
end if;
dbms_output.put(lv_cols.column_name||' '||lv_cols.data_type);
if lv_cols.data_type like '%CHAR%' then
dbms_output.put(' ('||lv_cols.DATA_LENGTH||')');
end if;
if lv_cols.data_default is not null then
dbms_output.put(' DEFAULT '||lv_cols.data_default);
end if;
if lv_cols.nullable ='N' then
dbms_output.put(' NOT NULL');
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
exception when others then dbms_output.put(sqlerrm);
1 comment:
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